Introducing the
OFF-VENT: AI-driven
High Flow Nasal Cannula
Restoring life out of thin air

A New Era of Respiratory Care

Overcoming Respiratory Obstruction
High Flow Oxygen Therapy
Benefits Over Conventional Oxygen Therapy
High flow oxygen therapy is a superior form of O2 therapy that uses higher flows to wash out dead space (areas of the airway inefficient at gas exchange), and create dynamic airway pressure to slow down breathing for better gas exchange.
80% reduction of the need for non-invasive ventilation. [14]
66% reduction of oxygen desaturation. [14]
80% reduction of the need for reintubation. [14]
The future of respiratory care is here with the OFF-VENT
An AI-powered high flow nasal pillow interface that
i) amplifies and regulates the dynamic airway pressure from the high flows
ii) is compatible with any care location, working with or without high flow delivery systems

Multiple patents pending
Modern, modular, multi-functional
oxygen delivery devices


Next generation, AI-powered nasal pillow interface enables earlier implementation of HFOT
Data collection at all phases for respiratory disease management
Mask platform with interchangeable caps provide functionality on the cutting edge of care
Singular oxygen delivery solution throughout the continuum of care
Unlocking the Potential of Respiratory Care Post Covid
At ScopeMed, we are leveraging the invaluable lessons acquired during the pandemic to shape the future of respiratory care. Our revolutionary, modular technology is designed to address the immediate requirements of respiratory care, forging ahead on three innovative paths:
High Flow Oxygen Therapy, Positive Pressure Support, and Passive Oxygenation.

1. High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT)
The OFF-VENT (Offloading Venturi Entrainment for Non-invasive Therapy)
AI-powered nasal pillow uses Venturi principle to enable HFOT
Proprietary passageway amplifies and regulates the airway pressure
Modular connectors make it compatible with any delivery system
Synergistic with mask platform for higher oxygen and nebulized medication delivery
WOSHER (Wettable Oxygen Shower Head for Enhancing Respirations)
Delivers a soft, distributed mist of oxygen that can be humidified. Multiple openings for the insertion of nasal scopes and various accessories.

2. Positive Pressure Support
Leak proof cap for connection to Hyperinflation bag or ventilators
Addition of extra oxygen flow and/or PEEP valve helps keep airways open
Can be used with Heat Moisture Exchanger (HME) filters for particulate filtration and for monitoring CO2
Venturi adapters available for HFOT

3. Passive Oxygenation
Most innovative oxygen delivery system yet
Delivers 24-93% of oxygen from 1-15LPM without the need for reservoir bags
Replaces 6 standard respiratory devices

Version with breathing filter available for reducing respiratory particle transmission.
Currently, oxygen masks have design constraints that preclude them from respiratory particle protection: they have closed bodies designed to enrich pressurized oxygen from the supply so they only contain small vents on the side to prevent hypercapnia. This limits the integration of breathing filters.
Combination of distributed oxygen delivery and open style required to reduce work of breathing.
On average, there’s been one pandemic caused by air-borne viruses every 6 years since 2002 (SARS, MERS, Covid-19) [12]. By the end of 2021, there were 622 excessive physician deaths in the US due to Covid-19 [13].

Background Oriented Schieleren (BOS) imaging was done at the Engineering Department of Case Western Reserve University
Study was done to visualize aerosol production during a simulated cough on a manikin
The SCOPE respirator was benchmarked against some popular masks on the market
The images show the comparison between the SCOPE respirator and the Hudson RCI Simple Oxygen Mask (One of the most common masks on the market)
Breath of Life: Seizing the Opportunity for Optimal Respiratory Care
A recent trend in respiratory therapy is the increased adoption of High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) and Non-invasive ventilation following their efficacy during the Covid-19 pandemic.
These solutions typically need expensive equipment like ventilators and active heating humidifiers
Non-Operating Room Anesthesia (NORA) cases occur in environments without the same kinds of equipment, personnel, and support as the OR
NORA cases are expected to grow to more than 50% of anesthesia cases in the near future.
Increasing anesthesia involvement due to increased demand for deep sedation to aid completion of cases and patient satisfaction.
Most common are gastroenterology, interventional radiology, cardiac catheterization lab.
34 million gastroenterology cases per year and growing.
High demand for a cost effective device that delivers HFOT and/or Non-invasive ventilation functionality without the need for expensive equipment
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